Sunday, February 24, 2008

JUST THE THREE OF US... is soon to be FOUR!!!!!!!!!!!
We are anxiously waiting on the arrival of our fourth addition, Connor Michael Mooney, in six weeks tops...

This is Paxton on my Grandfather's tractor

The Mooney Family

Feb '08 - To recap the past year: Paxton is 18mos and has really been a blessing to our family. Connor is expected to arrive the first week in April (in six weeks or less). We moved into a new house in May '07 and are really loving it. Mike continues to work hard both at work and home...he is an amazing Dad. I have been at home with Paxton since he was born and will one day return to nursing, but for now am ready to spend time with both Paxton and Connor full time for a while (one step at a time :-). We did not do so well keeping up with the last blog we had, but I'm going to try to do better... I am not going to update everyday, I will try to update every one to two weeks. For now, I've attached some pics to catch everyone up to speed.